Wednesday, March 23, 2016

First step with Raspberry Pi installing NOOBS OS

Hi, In this article we are going to learn how to install NOOBS OS in to our Raspberry Pi,...

Follow the steps below:

Step 1:  Download NOOBS OS from the link

Step 2:  Then extract the file in paste it into SD card ( Class 10 ) SD card is preferable

Step 3: Then insert it into your Raspberry Pi

Step 4: Now connect your power supply adapter to your Raspberry Pi

Step 5:  Then connect your Pi with Monitor or TV using HDMI port

Step 6:  Then complete the configuration and installation settings like below images and complete

Step 7:  Confirm to install OS into your SD card due to the files in SD card will erase after installing 

Step 8:  Procedure with the PI settings and Write image to SD card

Step 9:  Go head with required settings with PI NOOBS OS

Step 10:  Noobs OS install files wait till complete of installation

Step 11:  After completing the installation you can use NOOBS OS with any monitor or TV or
               projector using HDMI port


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