Apparatus required:
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1x Ultrasonic sensor
1x Arduino Atmega328
1x Relay
1x fan
connecting wires As required
Step 1: Upload the program given below in to Arduino board
Step 2: Connect the Arduino and Ultrasonic sensor in to the pins trigPin-13, echoPin-12
Step 3: Connect relay to Arduino pin 2 and motor to relay
Step 3: Now click serial monitor in the Arduino software
Step 4: Move your sensor and find distance approx,
Step 5: Follow us and subscribe our YouTube channel
//Delay 10ms before next reading./*HC-SR04 based cooling fan distance sensor:VCC to arduino 5vGND to arduino GNDEcho to Arduino to pin 13Trig to Arduino pin 12*/#define echoPin 13 // Echo Pin#define trigPin 12 // Trigger Pin#define motor 2 // Relaylong duration, distance; // Duration used to calculate distancevoid setup() {pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);pinMode(motor, OUTPUT); // cooling fan}void loop() {/* The following trigPin/echoPin cycle is used to determine thedistance of the nearest object by bouncing soundwaves off of it. */digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);delayMicroseconds(2);digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);delayMicroseconds(10);digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);//Calculate the distance (in cm) based on the speed of fan.distance = duration/58.2;if (distance <= 50){digitalWrite(motor, HIGH);delay(50);}else {/* Send the distance to the computer using Serial protocol, andturn motor OFF to indicate successful reading. */digitalWrite(motor, LOW);delay(50);}
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but in my Arduino it is saying me in correct